Biography(eng) /Biographie(fr)
Born in Taipei in 1971, Lin Chi-Wei is a transdisciplinary artist with academic training in French literature, cultural anthropology and media art. Since the early 1990s, Lin has been involved in Taiwan’s countercultural scene, being a founding member of the noise band Z.S.L.O. and responsible for the programming of various alternative art festivals. At the same time, Lin explored the realms of religious music and art through intensive field research (especially temple sculpture and Taoist ritual). These experiences, combined with his practices in noise performance and electronic music composition, produced critical perspectives on contemporary art practices. Since 2004, in response to the themes he has pursued over the years, Lin has initiated the “Tape Music” series, or later IDCM (Interhuman Dynamic Coordinated Models), synchronous protocols that allow individual autonomy in the formation of collective intelligence, resulting in complex sound works.
Lin’s 350-page book: “Beyond Sound Art – The Avant Garde, Sound Machine and the Modernity of Hearing” was published in 2012, in which he rejected the term “sound art” and offered a holistic view that blurred the line between human culture and technology.
Lin’s artworks have been exhibited in various biennales and museums, including Tate Modern, Pompidou Center, PSA Shanghai, as well as other non-art venues such as local community, private residence, public school, factory, church, temple, bar and live house in various countries around the world. He lives and works in Taipei and Paris.
*Other reference Articles/ Introductions -Click Here
1971 Born in Taipei
1989-94 FuJen Catholic University, French literature department
1992-99 Founding of “Zero and Sound Liberation Organization”
1993-98 Programmer of Taipei Industrial Arts festival
1994-98 National Institute of the Arts ,Traditional Art department
2000-02 Studio National des Arts Contemporains (Le-Fresnoy)
2010-11 Invited professor of Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology
2012 Researcher fellow in China Academic of the Arts, School of Intermedia Art.
2012 Book release: ”Beyond Sound Art – The Avant Garde, Sound Machine and the Modernity of Hearing”
Solo Expositions
2006 Solo Expo-Karma in Pause Mode,Chiwen Gallery,Taipei
2008 Linchiwei’s Solo Exposition: Puli Sound Measurements, Ji-Nan University (Installation), Puli
2014.Tape Music (2004-2013),IT Park Gallery(Documentations/Tapes),Taipei
2016.Rotating Binary Forces,Hanart TZ Gallery(Paintings/Collages/Tapes),Hongkong
Group Expositions
1992 Zao-ai-sun-chen,Fujen University Gallery (painting),Taipei 1993 Miniature Arts,Elite Gallery (painting),Taipei 1995 Technology Arts festival,National Institute of the Arts (video),Taipei 1996 Taipei Art Fair,Taipei world trade center (video),Taipei 1997 Surprise Film Festival,SOGO (Video Installation),Taichung 2000 Hong Kong-Berlin,Haus der Kultur der welt (video),Berlin 2001 Panorama2,Le Fresnoy (video installation),Tourcoing 2002 .WAV(capital culturel d’europe2002) Minnewater park (sound Environment),Brugge 2002 Panorama3,Le Fresnoy(film/electronic music),Tourcoing 2003 Container Arts Festival,the star of sea (sound-light installation),Kaoshung 2004 Reading Labyrinth,Elite Bookstore (sound installation),Taipei 2004 Sweetest Taboo film festival (video),Leuven 2004 Radio MOCA,Museum of comtemporary art (sound installation),Taipei 2005 La Tour Eiffel n’a jamais ete aussi belle,Galerie Frederic Giroux (documentary of .wav installation),Paris 2006 Tape Actions,Nitrianska Gallery (video),Nitra 2006 Altered State,Taipei Fine Arts Museum (installation),Taipei 2007 Vision and Beyond,Kaoshung Fine Arts Museum (video installation),Kaoshung 2007 Life/Live,Cite International des Arts (Mix Media),Paris 2007 Vision and Beyond,National Taiwan Museum of contemporary arts (video installation),Taichung 2007 Make it Louder 2007,Beijing SOHO (sound Environment),Beijing 2007 Then The Silence Increased ,Chapman Gallery (documentation) Manchester 2007 Yi-Zai-Yen-Wai,Beijing SOCA gallery (video),Beijing 2008 SoundField, Sugar Jar (Video),Beijing 2009 Unsealed Files ,VT Artsalon (Painting),Taipei 2009 SWEETIES, IT Park (Painting),Taipei 2009 taiwan.doc, ENSBA gallery(Documentations),Paris 2009 Shenzhen-Hongkong Biennale(SZHKB), Shenzhen city hall (video installation),Shenzhen 2010 People Sights, Museum of Medical Humanities (painting),Taipei 2012 Shanghai Biennale, Shanghai Contemporary Art Museum (installation),Shanghai 2012 ThaiTai-a measure of understanding,BACC,(documentation),Bangkok 2013 Auditions: Sound Residency, KHOJ (documentation),Delhi 2013 New York Electronic Art Festival – Lost in the Labyrinth: Sound Art in China (installation),Harvestworks,New York 2013 WestBund Biennial,WestBund (video),Shanghai 2013 Shamans and Dissent,Hanart TZ Gallery (painting),HongKong 2015 Shoot the Pianist,Peltz Gallery (documentation),London 2015 The Testimony of Food: Ideas and Food ,Taipei Fine Art Museum (painting),Taipei 2015 Body Art Stories – Marina Abramovic & the Others,Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts (documentation),Kaohsiung2015 REWIND_ Video Art in Taiwan 1983-1999,Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts (video),Taipei 2015 Alice’s Rabbit Hole –Everyday Life, Comprehensible and Incomprehensible,Taipei Fine Art Museum (installation),Taipei 2016 Chaostrophy- COIL Exhibition,Ludwig Gallery (painting),Berlin 2016 Rotating Binary Forces,Han-Art TZ Gallery(Painting/Collage),Hongkong 2016 China International Gallery Exhibition, NAEC (Collages),Beijing 2017 Guetteurs – Focus France-Taïwan ,ENSBA (installation),Lyon 2019 Cosmopolis#2, Centre Pompidou,(Installation) Paris 2020 Head With Many Thoughts,CAC (Installation), Vilnius 2021 OVNi2021, Winsor Hotel (VideoInstallation),Nice 2022 Festival Minimal Input – Algorithmic Art Gathering, Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab (C-LAB),(Video Projection), Taipei 2022 Papahood, Taoyuan Children's Art Center(Sound Installation), Taoyuan 2022 Mediating Asia, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts (Installation),Taichung 2022 ART TAIPEI 2022, Taipei World Trade Center (Paintings), Taipei 2023 Sound Variation, Chengdu Museum of Contemporary Art (Video Installation),Chengdu 2023 Taipei Dangdai 2023, Taipei Nankang Exhibition Center (Paintings), Taipei 2023 Le Vent souffle où il veut,Espace-Temps(Installation/Documents),Paris 2023 Objet/Non-Objet , Novus Art (Installation),Paris 2024 Taipei Dangdai 2024, Taipei Nankang Exhibition Center (Collages), Taipei
1992-2000 see "Zero & Sound Liberation Organization" 2000 La domestication des auteurs de bruit,Café Neruda,Taipei 2000 Linchiwei/Pollywoo show,Café Neruda,Taipei 2001 Serapuni(with Alex Geddie),Glashaus,Karlsruhe 2002 38eme Ruigissant,Grand Angle Voiron,Grenoble 2002 Taipei Electronic Arts Phenomena,Hwua-shan Art distinct,Taipei 2003 Chants Mecaniques-Capital culturel d'europe,Metalic,Lille 2003 PROBE,Casino,Rotterdam 2004 Taipei Sonar-International Festival of Art+Technology,Redhouse theater,Taipei 2004 Technology Music concert,N.U.U.Cinema,Miaoli 2004 Nuit Blanche,cite universitaire,Paris 2005 TIPAF,Taipei artist village,Taipei 2005 TIPAF,Police station theatre,Taipei 2005 Sarah Kane show,white water theatre,Taipei 2006 Dashanzi International Festival of the Arts 2006,798,Beijing 2007 Antenna,Les Voutes,Paris 2007 Konsthall C,Stockholm 2007 Our Voices,Fringe Club,Hongkong 2007 Tape Music,Cité International des Arts,Paris 2007 Make it Louder 07,Private House,Beijing 2007 Sui-Yuan Primary school,Taipei 2007 Puli sound mesurements,Puli 2008 Sugar Jar,Beijing 2008 Zendai Museum of Modern Art,Shanghai 2008 Shanghai Asahi culture,business training center,Shanghai 2008 Fractional Lot,Taipei 2008 809 International New Image Art Festival, 809 artist residency,Yi-Chang 2008 Sound Intestines ,Changsha performance art Festival,Changsha 2008 Changsha performance art Festival,freedom house,Changsha 2008 Enlighting ceremony,wan-so temple,Changchun 2008 Up-On International Live Arts Festival,Nonyuen,ChengDu 2008 Dadao Live Art Festival,Cube Space,Shanghai 2008 Memorial site of Wang-Chuang,Ju-Jia-Ko 2008 Dadao Live Art Festival,Rain Gallery,Beijing 2008 WK145,Two Kollegas,Beijing 2008 Plaza Performance Art Open Expo,Shaopu plaza,SongZhuang 2008 Poetry Actions,Wk147,Two Kollegas,Beijing 2008 Burning the Guqin Cooking the Crane,Pen-Hao Theatre,Beijing 2009 China Avant-Guard Music Festival,D22,Beijing 2009 WEAK!,Shenzhen Hongkong architecture biennale,Shenzhen 2010 TIPAF,Gu-Ling St. Avant-Guard Theatre,Taipei 2010 TIPAF, Kaoshung Normal University,Kaoshung 2011 THTP,Taoyuan 2011 CAA,Intermedia Art Department,Hangzhou 2011 Venice Biennale,Taiwan pavillon,Venice 2011 Quite Cue,Staalplaat,Berlin 2012 Inside/outside: Materialising the social,Tate Modern,London 2012 Shanghai Biennale, Shanghai Contemporary Art Museum,Shanghai 2012 Asiatopia,BACC,Bangkok 2012 ThaiTai,OCAC,Bangkok 2012 ThaiTai,BACC,Bangkok 2013 Auditions,KHOJ,Delhi 2013 (con)temporary space-time TAIWAN/BERLIN,Berlin 2013 IntoAsia,Residence Unlimited,NewYork 2014 Tape Music,2003-2014,Etude 7 Tones,IT Park Gallery,Taipei 2015 Musarc folk meet on a midsummer day until dusk ,Tape for Musarc (Premiere), Round Chapel,London 2015 On Site Artfest,Treasure Hill Artist Village,Taipei 2015 Shoot the Pianist,Musarc play "Tape Music",Cafe OTO,London 2015 Couterflow,CCA,Glasgow 2015 LSF99,Yiri Arts,Taipei 2016 Musarc folk meet on a midsummer day until dusk ,Tape for Musarc, Old Truman Brewery,London 2016 Music for 6 singers, french ambassador residence,Taipei 2016 Musarc folk meet on a midsummer day until dusk II,The Old Truman Brewery,London 2016 Wysing Polyphonic,Musarc play "Tape for Musarc", Wysing Art Center,Cambridge 2016 Ting Shuo Has Performance Eight,Ting-Shuo,Tainan 2017 Guetteurs-Focus France-Taïwan,Tape Music,ENSBA,Lyon 2017 Polyphonic Social,Abbotsford Convent,Melbourne 2017 Liquid Architecture,Pitt St.Uniting Church,Sydney 2017 The Yurting,Sydney 2017 Cochlea Experimental Music Festival,Lotus Art Gallery,Kaoshung 2017 Rolling Live Forever Foundation,National Taichung Theatre,Taichung 2018 Loud Bodies: Sonic performances,Tape for Musarc,CCA,Goldsmiths,London 2018 Artefact,Tape for Musarc,STUK,Leuven 2019 Artwave TPAM,Tape Music directed by Tomomi Adachi,Kosha33,Yokohama 2019 Le Marteau sans Maître,Musarc folk meet on a midsummer day until dusk III, Musarc play “Calligraphy”,Whitechapel Bell Foundry,London 2021 Volta Partie Commune,Fontainebleau 2021 Atelier Musique,Soundinitiative, Conservatoire à Rayonnement Départemental de Argenteuil,La Cave salle de musique actuelle ,Argenteuil 2021 Maltaverne in/and /at Abervilliers, Ygrec ENSAPC, Paris 2022 Soundinitiative(Interpreted by refugees from Afghanistan and other countries), Centre Culturel Bain et Enghein, Enghien-les-Bains 2022 The End of the World Service. MUSARC in the Land of Remorse.Città Vecchia,Taranto 2022 Danae festival, Teatro Del Moire, Zonak Associazione, Milan 2023 Démondialiser,relocaliser:pour une nouvelle écologie des mondes de l’art co-création avec l'artiste Hsin-Yun TSAI Centre d'Art Contemporain de Malakoff,Paris 2023 Festival BDFIL, interpreted by members of l'Académie Vocale de Suisse Romande, Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts (MCBA)/Photo Elysée-MUDAC, Lausanne 2023 Festival Pote, Mediathèque Pierre Bayle/Kiosk Granvelle,Besançon 2023 Lacking Sound Festival(121),Air Force Headquarters,Taipei 2024 Kanazawa International Experimental Music Festival,Civil Culture Village,Kanazawa 2024 Keiji Haino+Musarc play Tape Music, Cafe OTO,London 2024 Festival d'eau,Athénor (Centre National de Creation Musicale),St Nazaire 2024 Les Nuits des Forêts-24H de fête pour la biodiversité,Fontainebleau 2024 Choir as Method-Musarc Folk Meet on a Midsummer Day,St Paul's Bow Common,London 2024 Radio Insomnia, Nuit5-6 Juillet,La Générale,Paris 2024 EN RÉSONNANCE ,Gallérie Odile Ouizeman,Paris
Music for theatre
1993 Dance with Bryan,Sickly Sweet cafe (Music for dance theatre),Taipei
2001 SLAK,Gallerie public (Music for theatre),Paris
2001 Edith Room,Le Fresnoy (Music for real-time Film),Tourcoing
2005 A Solider’s Pay,National Theatre (Music for theatre),Taipei
Z.S.L.O. Discography
Personal Discography
2002 Erotische Reise nach Westen,CD album (Le Fresnoy)
2004 Bias04,CD Compilation (Etat Alternative)
2005 The Lake,CD Compilation (The Lake)
2009 An Anthrology to chinese electronic music (1992-2008),CD Compilation (Subrosa)
2012 Beyond Sound Art – The Avant Garde, Sound Machines, and the Modernity of Hearing (Click for further imfor)
Artist Publishing Co,352p,520000 words,classic chinese
2013 The Body as Stake -Experiments in Chinese Contemporary Art and Theatre. Jörg Huber, Zhao Chuan (eds.) , transcript Verlag ,278P , english
“Edges of modernist framework and beyond: The life work of Hsieh Tehching,Hsieh Ying-Chun,Wu Chong-Wei,Graffitist Huang,
Dino ,and Tsai Show Zoo”